This tattooed Mom is a methods ninja and triathlete who finds joy in the treetops of Costa Rica, her daughter’s imagination, the smell of chlorine, and AAPOR. Cameron is passionate about survey research and energized by mentoring young professionals and watching them develop.
As SSRS Chief Methodologist, Cameron provides statistical support based on 20 years of experience in survey research. Data collection, data management, quantitative and qualitative analysis – she has done it all and is known for designing and implementing innovative, rigorous, and efficient methods for sampling, measuring, and weighting diverse populations. A true data nerd, her areas of interest include address-based sampling (ABS), mixed-mode data collection, response maximization, nonresponse error and bias analysis, and experimental study design. She has extensive experience with federal education surveys from her time with the National Center for Education Statistics, including the National Household Education Survey, the Early Childhood Longitudinal Surveys, and the High School Longitudinal Survey.
Cameron influences the growing team of researchers at SSRS with a keen focus on the Methods, Analytics, and Data Science (MADS) Group. She is the current AAPOR Associate Standards Chair, the Past-President of DC-AAPOR, the Chair of the AAPOR Task Force on Online Samples, and a member of the CNN election night Decision Desk. She holds a master’s degree in Survey Methodology from the University of Maryland and a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Women’s Studies from Swarthmore College.
Off the clock, Cameron loves hiking, playing complicated board games, drinking bourbon and Japanese whiskey, and hanging with her wickedly funny daughter and remarkably patient husband. She is intolerant of closed minds and thermostats set below 68 degrees. Incapable of holding back her thoughts, it is a good thing she can’t navigate social media.