SSRS Solutions

Sports Poll

The First and Longest-standing Sports and Free time Intelligence Product in the U.S.

SSRS Sports Poll

The Sports Poll journey began in 1994. Now, it dives deeper into how people spend their free time across sports, entertainment, and leisure.

With the sports and free time landscape evolving faster than ever before, there is a greater need for actionable insights. Sports Poll provides the intelligence to engage fans in more meaningful ways. With others. All year round. For life.

Sports Poll Focuses on Insights that Matter


The goal is to get more fans actively viewing, attending, playing, and following in more meaningful ways beyond just the season.


Priority is the strongest predictor of fan engagement. It is crucial to understand what behaviors lead to priority and how to sustain it over a lifetime.


Fans who “belong” have the strongest connections to teams, schools, brands, musicians, artists, and local communities.


Instigators bring family and friends together. Clients can drive engagement if they know who these people are and how they choose what they do.


Cable TV is fading, making access the most urgent issue to fan engagement. Fans should be watching more sports than ever, but the landscape creates roadblocks to viewership.


Fans engage when they have the time, money, and ability. Driving engagement requires creativity when fans don’t have resources.


Americans 18 or younger only remember life with smartphones and have everything at their fingertips 24/7. This will guide how they spend their free time in the future.


The goal is to get more fans actively viewing, attending, playing, and following in more meaningful ways beyond just the season.


Priority is the strongest predictor of fan engagement. It is crucial to understand what behaviors lead to priority and how to sustain it over a lifetime.


Fans who “belong” have the strongest connections to teams, schools, brands, musicians, artists, and local communities.


Instigators bring family and friends together. Clients can drive engagement if they know who these people are and how they choose what they do.


Cable TV is fading, making access the most urgent issue to fan engagement. Fans should be watching more sports than ever, but the landscape creates roadblocks to viewership.


Fans engage when they have the time, money, and ability. Driving engagement requires creativity when fans don’t have resources.


Americans 18 or younger only remember life with smartphones and have everything at their fingertips 24/7. This will guide how they spend their free time in the future.

5,000 variables. Data collected year-round to minimize seasonal interest. Insights accessible through detailed reports and dynamic platforms.

Sports Poll Subscriptions

Includes Reporting, Query Tool, Dashboard and Access to the Team All Year

“State of the Sport” Reports

Comprehensive Analysis, Consumer Insights, Technological Impacts, Youth and Amateur Sports, and Industry Comparisons

Local Market Reports

Market Analysis, Fan Demographics, Engagement Metrics, Youth and Amateur Sports, Technological Integration and Case Studies

Special Topic Reports

Examples include Fan Engagement Strategies in the Digital Age, Sports Betting, The Intersection of Sports and Politics, and Understanding Hispanic Sports Fans

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Sports Poll Kids

Engaging with the Next Generation of Fans

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Sports Poll Global

Sports Poll Global

Syndicated Study Capturing the Pulse of Global Communities

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SSRS Custom Sports Offerings

SSRS Custom Sports Offerings

Tailored to Provide a Greater Understanding of Specific Industry-related Issues or Trends

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Meet the Sports, Entertainment & Lifestyle Team

We provide actionable insights that help you understand your audience and make informed decisions, leveraging our expertise from decades of working with the top leagues, media companies, and sponsors in sports.

Meet the Sports, Entertainment & Lifestyle Team

We see the big picture.

The Sports Poll is the foundation for understanding the trends that impact strategy. Let's start a conversation about how we can help you reach your research goals.

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