Jonathan, known as “JB” around the office, loves two things most in this world: sarcasm and beanies. He has a calm, cool demeanor that makes you want to have a conversation with him, and his deadpan humor never disappoints.
JB was at the forefront of incorporating cell samples into standard RDD landline designs and has helped refine the cell phone data collection methods used today. He’s been in the research game over 25 years and has seen it all, but his specialty is designing and weighting complex samples of underrepresented populations including low-income households, minorities, and small area samples.
A leader on the SSRS Methods, Analytics and Data Science (MADS) team, JB shapes the future generations of data nerds. He is a longtime member of AAPOR and the American Statistical Association, where he speaks at annual conferences and serves on assorted committees. He has a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from North Carolina State University.