Join us in person or virtually on January 20, 2023 at Cornell Tech in NYC as experts from industry, academia, and media offer their perspectives on the innovations, methods, and data from the 2022 Collaborative Midterm Survey. This is being called a hackathon because all panelists will receive the survey data in advance and will incorporate their analyses into the presentations and comments.
The NSF-funded Collaborative Midterm Survey is a multimode survey (including probability and nonprobability samples) conducted by three data collection teams selected from an open call for data collection proposals. The survey is being conducted in English and Spanish and includes questions about known population benchmarks, the Midterm elections (house, senate, gubernatorial, ballot initiatives), policy preferences, health status, racism, sexism, authoritarianism, feeling thermometer questions, new questions to measure pro-social partisan behavior and small government conservatism, and standard demographics.
Mickey Jackson and Kristen Conrad of SSRS present on the Data Collection Panel: Collaborating to increase survey accuracy and representation. Other panelists include Cory Manento (Gradient), Kevin Collins (Survey160), Julianna Pacheco, Caroline Tolbert (University of Iowa).