Join SSRS VP Darby Steiger at the end of the month for a FREE AAPOR Webinar.

Cognitive interviewing is an essential questionnaire pretesting tool that is used in public opinion and social sciences to identify potential errors as survey respondents understand, process and respond to questionnaires. This webinar is designed for all levels of survey researchers and will cover both foundational principles (“Back to the basics”) and recent advancements (“Back to the future”) in cognitive interviewing.

Attendees will be introduced to various cognitive probing techniques that help understand how respondents comprehend, retrieve, and articulate information in response to survey questions. The webinar will also offer practical guidance on implementing a cognitive interviewing study with different populations, covering key steps in the process, from planning and recruitment to data collection and analysis. Additionally, the webinar will explore innovations in cognitive interviewing, providing participants with insights into how technological advancements and new methodologies are shaping the future of cognitive interviewing.