The US public’s view of the nation’s economy is the worst it’s been in a decade, a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS finds, with many Americans also saying they feel financial strain in their own lives.
That pessimism also reflects on President Joe Biden, whose ratings for handling the economy remain sharply negative. A majority of US adults say his policies have hurt the economy, and 8 in 10 say the government isn’t doing enough to combat inflation.
Only 23% rate economic conditions as even somewhat good, down from 37% in December and 54% last April. The last time public perception of the economy was this poor in CNN’s polling was in November 2011, when 18% called economic conditions good.
Americans also say they are more likely to hear bad news than good news about the economy, by nearly a 4-to-1 margin: 89% say they’ve heard at least some bad news, compared with 23% who’ve heard at least some good news.