As protests against police violence toward Black Americans continue on, public opinion about racism in American society and over the related protests are becoming more divided by party, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.
Overall, Americans are now less likely than they were earlier this summer — when protests sparked by the death of George Floyd began — to say that racism is a big problem in society (67% said so then, 55% feel that way now). And while there has been some decline across party lines in that sentiment, the drop has come most sharply among Republicans. In June, 43% said racism was a big problem in society; now, just 22% say the same. Among Democrats, 84% feel that way, compared with 90% in June. Among independents, 57% say it’s a big problem vs. 63% in June.
The partisan dynamic is similar in the poll’s findings about peaceful protests in response to incidents where African Americans have been harmed or killed by police. Overall, 72% call those protests justified, down from 84% in June, and the shift has again been steepest among Republicans (from 79% saying they were justified in June to 60% now).
Fewer overall (24%) say that violent protests are justified in this situation, but that number holds largely steady compared with June (27%).