Most Americans say they would be uncomfortable returning to their regular routines today, even as they are increasingly leaving their homes to visit others, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

The 58% who say they are not comfortable returning to their routines today is similar to the 60% who said last month that they would be uncomfortable doing so if guidelines on social distancing expired on April 30. On the other side, 41% say they would be comfortable resuming their regular routines now.

In the month since April’s poll, most states have begun reopening their economies at different levels, even though relatively few have seen a decline in the rate of coronavirus cases. At the same time, President Donald Trump has been encouraging reopening.

Those in the President’s party express far more comfort in returning to their routines now (63% of Republicans say they’re comfortable today) than do Democrats (16%) or independents (48%). And there is a racial divide in comfort level as well, with whites (45% comfortable) much more comfortable returning to their previous routines than are Latinos (37%) or blacks (22%).